Because 22 a day is 23 too many
At VetFirst, Suicide Prevention is not just essential, its personal and WE WILL END IT TOGETHER.
The Vetfirst approach to suicide prevention starts the bonds we all share as human beings.
The Key to prevention starts with resources and mental health awareness - The fundamental Pilar of the Vetfirst Model.
Immediate resources
While we at VetFirst are always on the ready to be a sounding board, to listen with empathy and hospitality, and to find the path forward for those seeking our assistance, we also know the most immediate need takes a community. If you or someone you know is actively ideating, verbalizing, or taking evident steps forward towards acting on suicidal thoughts, GET HELP IMMEDIATELY!
The Veterans Crisis Line can be reached 24/7 by dialing 988, then press 1. For First Responders and families, dial 988 and listen for the prompt for reporting a suicide within the general community. THIS IS OUR and YOUR FIRST DEFENSE.
Often, suicide can be averted when a solid support network exists. This may include friends, family members, outreach resources, such as those available by VetFirst and including Peer and Peer-Led Counseling and Groups. This alone may not be enough. VetFirst is implementing a “Battle Buddy” check-in system that is open to both volunteers who wish to be paired with a veteran, first responder or family member, and for those who are feeling lost, alone, or battling the demons of their better existence. The lists are confidential only to those who seek help, those who volunteer and are screened, and to VetFirst personnel. The link below will allow you to register as seeking help or partner to help. We urge you to take a moment to get registered.
THe Village Approach
Over the coming months, VetFirst will be reaching out and partnering with local and regional police departments, sheriffs offices, state law enforcement, and other community-based service organizations to broaden our reach and to be more inclusive and involved in the community. This entails engaging law enforcement for welfare checks, when necessary, and establishing partnerships to address imminent and immediate acts and deterrents to prevent any loss or diminishing of lives.
If your agency wishes to become a part of the solution, please fill out the linked form below and we will set up a time to coordinate and work to implement our programs with your agency. We open our services to agencies throughout Maryland, the Eastern West Virginia Panhandle, Northwestern Virginia, Washington DC, and South-Central Pennsylvania.
Our Sponsors